Kort: Panduro
DP: Ur ett paket beställt från
Band: Panduro
Knapp: Panduro
Brads: Panduro
Text: Mirabyll
Here is my second card for the JCBC, challenge #31. This sketch felt a bit tricky at first, but after I thougt about it for a day, I decided to begin with it and see where it would lead. I'm pleased with the result :) I'm still taking pictures with my cell phone, which I'm not so pleased about...
Card: Panduro
DP: From a pack ordered from
Ribbon: Panduro
Ribbon: Panduro
Brads: Panduro
Text: Mirabyll, it is the swedish text for the song "Happy birthday to you"
Great Card! And congratulations for winning the prize :)
SvaraRaderaThanks for joining us this week!
Hugs Tanja
(JCBC Team)